Reciprocal Labs 应用

Reciprocal Labs
Want more symptom-free days? Meet yourautopilot for asthma and COPD.How often you use your inhaler says a lot about your asthma controlor COPD status. Propeller automatically records when and where youuse your inhaler to make it easier to see trends, track symptomsand talk to your doctor.What can Propeller do?+ Remind you and your family to take your medication+ Show trends about when you use your inhaler+ Alert your family and physician if you are getting worse+ Help you talk to your doctor about your symptomsThe Propeller Health mobile app for Android works with or withoutthe Propeller Bluetooth Sensor and allows you to view the data yoursensor captures to give you personalized feedback and education onways to improve your asthma control or COPD status. Propellerautomatically keeps a record of your trends including time, dateand location of when you use your inhaled medications.Learn more: information about permissions at: